Foreign Investment in India

With the booming economy and vast pool of English speaking inexpensive skilled professionals, India is gaining importance in global market as an attractive investment opportunity. The present government in India is leaving no stone unturned to continuously improve the business environment in India. The efforts are being globally recognized and it is evidenced by the fact that currently, India is amongst top 10 Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) destination in the world. Some of the structural reforms introduced are liberalizing FDI norms, tax reforms, ease in starting business, introduction of bankruptcy law and GST, reducing export-import documentation, automation of process for obtaining various clearances for carrying on business, etc. All these measures have boosted the economy and benefited India in Ease of doing business ranking.In the light of this background, we expect more FDI inflows in India as it is being looked as preferable investment destination and good place to do business globally.

Foreign investment in India is primarily regulated by the FDI policy which is governed by Reserve Bank of India. With high stakes involved in for a foreign entity to invest, operate and maintain business in India, there is a need of professional experts, who can provide right advice at the right time. We, at Shreyance & Associates have a team of professionals from diversified domain who can provide expert advice to foreign entrepreneurs to establish their footprint in India.

We offer a wide range of services in order to help foreign entrepreneurs establish presence in India in a hassle-free manner:

Pre-India Entry Services:

  • Market Research & Analysis and preparation of feasibility reports
  • Analysis of impact of Indian regulations on the proposed transaction
  • Advising in selection of optimum and tax efficient business structure
  • Finding Business Partners/Associates in India
  • Assistance in obtaining Advance ruling on taxation matter, if required

Transaction Implementation Services:

  • Assistance in establishment of desired business structure
  • Due Diligence services
  • Negotiation with Indian business partners and finalizing the deal
  • Obtaining necessary tax and business registrations
  • Application for FIPB approval, if necessary
  • Valuation services
  • Virtual Office services
  • Assistance in obtaining VISA

Post Implementation Services:

  • Assistance in Opening Bank Account in India
  • Assistance in drafting legal documents
  • Assistance in developing cash repatriation strategies
  • Assistance in raising funds
  • Accounting & Auditing Services
  • Assistance in compliance with taxation regulations
  • Assistance in secretarial compliances
  • Services related to Expatriates
  • Assistance in formulating exit strategy